
Immigration History from Somalia to Victoria

The Somali community in Victoria is new and relatively small. In 1991, when Somalis were first counted separately in the census, there were only 242 in Victoria.

The Somalian population in Victoria began to increase after civil war broke out in Somalia in 1991. By the following year almost half of all Somalis had died or faced death by starvation, and hundreds of thousands fled their country. Many came to Australia as refugees under the Humanitarian Program. The largest number came to Victoria, attracted by its employment opportunities, Melbourne’s reputation for cultural diversity and its established Islamic community.

Somalis in Victoria face particular challenges following their experiences in Somalia. Some Somali children received no schooling in their country, and now must adjust to school life in Australia and at the same time learn the English language. Many Somalis face the additional economic responsibility of sending money to support family members in Somalia. And some Somalis continue to suffer the after-effects of war, famine and dislocation.

Support networks are growing. The Somali Community of Victoria was established in 1988, and the Somali Cultural Association in 1995, to promote Somalian culture and community support in Australia. Virtually all Somalis are Sunni Muslim, and the Somali Cultural Association helps the community celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the annual festival for the celebration of the Pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Somali community continues to grow. The 2016 census counted over 3,906 Somalia-born Victorians, a 15% increase in community size since the last census in 2006. The majority of men work in production and transport, while increasing numbers of women work in clerical fields. Slowly but surely, the Somalian community is becoming an important member of the diverse society that is Victoria.

Immigration History from Somalia (Somali) to Victoria

Bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee Victoria waa kuwa cusub oona tira yar. Sanadkii 1991, markii Soomaalida la tiriyey marka laga reebo tirokoobkii, waxa ay ahaayeen oo qura 242 inta Victoria joogta.

Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee reer Victoria waxa uu kordhay ka dib markii uu dagaalka sokeeye ka qarxay Soomaaliya sanadkii 1991. Sanadkii ku xigay qiyaastii kala bar Somalida waa dhinteen, ama gaajaa dishay, iyo iyadoo boqolaal kuna ay ka qaxeen dhulkoodii. Qaar badan ayaa yimid Australia qaxooti ahaan kuna yimid Barnaamijka Biniaadnimo. Tirada ugu badani waxa ay yimaadeen Victoria, iyadoo ay soo jiidatay fursadaha shaqooyinka, iyo Melbourne oo ku magacaaban meel dad dhaqamo kala duwani ay degan yihiin iyo iyadoo ay bulsho Islaam ahi ay ka jirto.

Soomaalida Victoria waxaa soo food saaray xaalado qaasa oo la xiriira waxay kala kulmeen Somalia. Caruurta qaar ayaan iskuul ku soo dhigan wadankooda, oo ay hada qasab ku tahay in ay la qabsadaan nolosha iskuulka ee Australia oo ayna isla markaas bartaan luuqada Ingiriiska. Soomali badan ayaa la kulmay culeys dhaqaale iyagoo lacag dira si ay u taageeraan xubnaha qoyskooda ee jooga Somaaliya. Saas ayaa qaar Somalida wali u dhib qabaan ka dib waxyeeladii dagaalka, abaartii iyo kala habowgii.

Xiriirada taageerada waa kordhayaan. The Somali Community Victoria waxaa la aas aasay 1988, iyo The Somali Culture Association oo la aas aasay 1995, si ay u horumariyaan dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed iyo inay taageeran bulshadan Australia. Badi Somalidu waa Muslim Suni ah, sidaas ayaa Somali Culture Association ka cawintaa in bulshadu u dabaaldegto dhamaadka bisha barakeysan ee Ramadaan iyo dabaaldega sanadkii loo dabaaldego gudashada xajka.

Tirada bulshada Soomaaliyeed waa ay sii kordheysaa. Tirakoobkii 2011 waxa la tiriyay in ka badan 3,061 oo Soomaliya in ay ku dhasheen Victoria, oo 15% xadiga bulshadu ay korortay ka dib tirakoobkii 2006 la qaaday. Badi ragu waxa ay ka shaqeeyaan xagga wax soo saarka iyo gaadiidka, marka tiro isi soo tareysa oo dumara ay ku shaqeeyaan karaani ahaan. Si tartiiba oo lakiin la hubo, ayey Bulshada Soomaaliyeed uga mid noqoneysaa xubin muhiim ah mujtamaca kala duwan ee Victoria.

Average Age

Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Age Distribution

Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Gender split for  

Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Somalia Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics