
Immigration History from Taiwan to Victoria

Taiwan-born people were first counted separately in the Australian census in 1976, and continued to be counted, despite the disputed issue of Taiwan’s sovereignty.

In 1976, the Taiwan-born community in Victoria numbered only 83, but increased rapidly over next 15 years, driven by changing conditions in Taiwan. During the 1980s, increasing wages, a soaring Taiwanese dollar and loosening political controls prompted more Taiwanese to both travel and seek international investment opportunities. Economic and Business Migration Programs during the late 1980s and early 1990s encouraged Taiwanese to migrate to Australia.

Within Victoria, the Taiwan-born population rose six-fold in ten years, from 595 in 1986 to 3,559 in 1996. By 2011, 5,686 Taiwan-born people lived in Victoria.

Today, more than half of the Taiwan-born community are aged under 35, reflecting the significance of family and student migration. A high percentage of individuals hold bachelor degrees. Over half of those employed work in professional positions, particularly within the financial, insurance and business sectors; a quarter more work in clerical, sales and service positions. A relatively high proportion of this community is not in the workforce, as many are supported by overseas business investments, savings and or income from real estate. Others receive support from family members who have returned to Taiwan for work.

The majority of Taiwan-born people in Victoria live in the local government areas of Boroondara, Manningham, Monash, Melbourne and Whitehorse. 35% of the community are Buddhist; 17% are Christian. These religious communities provide vital support to the growing Taiwanese community.

Immigration History from Taiwan (Mandarin) to Victoria


1976年,維州的臺灣出生的社區只有83人,但在而後的15年中,這一數字迅速增長。這主要是由於臺灣狀況發生了改變。在1980年代,工資的增長,新臺幣的增值,再加上政治控制的鬆動使得更多的臺灣人到海外旅遊,並且尋求國際投資機遇。在1980年代末, 1990年代初的 經濟和商業移民計畫鼓勵臺灣人移民澳大利亞。

維多利亞州絕大多數臺灣出生的移民居住在Boroondara, Manningham, Monash, Melbourne 和Whitehorse市政廳管轄區內。將近35%的社區成員為佛教徒, 17%為基督徒。這些宗教組織為臺灣社區的壯大提供了至關重要的幫助。

Average Age

Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Age Distribution

Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Gender split for  

Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Dataset: Taiwan Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics